Oliver Cora

March 18th, 2010 - August 19th, 2021
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Lisa and Mike Cora
USA, New Lenox, IL

Oliver was our first dog a tri-colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He was born on 3/18/2010 and our 'gotcha day' was 5/22/2010. He loved to play with his fetch, go for walks and keep us on our toes every day. He was full of personality and very sassy. If he didn't get his way (which wasn't very often) he would sneeze at us. We love and cherish those moments and memories. He was terrified of fireworks so for a few July 4th holidays we took him to places without fireworks (Galena, IL, Vermont, and even Canada).

Oliver had many nicknames (sugar plum love bug, fluff butt, tater tot, skooskis). He was diagnosed with CM and SM at an early age, which was successfully managed, he fought and beat meningitis. He was so tough. He was diagnosed with a murmur and MVD about 3 years ago, started on Vetmedin in 10/2020 and went into CHF on 8/9/2010. Sadly, he did not respond to Furosemide, and he passed away yesterday. We are devastated and heartbroken. He was our world. I am happy that The Mighty Hearts Project exists and is able to try and help dogs battle this terrible and cruel disease.

Nathan Estes

Canine Mitral Valve Repair Advocate.


Simba Jallad


Bruiser Donato