
Keisha is an 8 year old Chinese Crested from Australia.  Keisha first presented a stage 2 murmur in April 2017. No treatment was recommended at the time. On 17th December 2017 she was given diagnosis of MVD with CHF and placed on furosemide and spironolactone. Her ultrasound showed very enlarged heart (size of a Doberman) and damaged mitral valve, ruptured chords. After several CHF episodes, surgical options were researched and Jasmine vets in Japan referred Keisha to Niek Beijerink at University of Sydney. Keisha had surgery at University of Sydney with Dr. Uechi on April 19, 2018. She had a complication with a blood clot in her forelimb on day 6 after surgery and some hard swelling at surgery site but otherwise recovered well. Currently Keisha’s blood clot has resolved although still limping, her surgery site is improving daily and she is still on Vetmedin and blood thinners. On May 4 her ultrasound showed decrease in heart size, and her parents are waiting to see whether medication can be reduced/eliminated.

Breed: Chinese Crested Hairless
Age: 8 years old
Diagnosis: Stage C
Surgery Date: April 19, 2018
Hometown: Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Owner: Anonymous
Instagram @keishakess
Cardiologist: Niek Beijerink, Richard Woolley
Primary Vet: Advanced VetCare
Surgical Team: Dr. Masami Uechi & Team at, Jasmine Cardiovascular Medical Center

Nathan Estes

Canine Mitral Valve Repair Advocate.

Bailey Ambrose


Dot Lim