Riley Pittman

Riley Pittman
February 20, 2009 – February 7, 2019

“I shall not look upon his like again.” Hamlet.

Riley came to live with us at three months of age from our breeder friend in Chicago. We were thrilled with his outgoing, friendly personality. He would run up to any person or animal and instantly befriend them. When we first started to take Riley around the block for a walk it would take approximately fifteen minutes. Six months later it was taking an hour and a half. He knew everyone in the neighborhood: adults, children, dogs, cats, squirrels and even the stray rabbits. If there was no one on the street or sidewalk, he would even stop and peer into the living room windows and backyards.

Riley became a Certified Therapy Dog at the age of two and continued to make visits until he was nine and a half years old. He made just under five hundred visits to three retirement homes in Ottawa. For this he was given the highest award by the American Kennel Club, “Distinguished Therapy Dog” in 2017. He filled the hearts of the residents with joy and humor. Riley loved to perform for them with his hilarious antics and tricks. Riley was truly a gift from God. While our home will never again be the same, we will always have many wonderful, endearing memories of him. Riley will always be embedded in our hearts and souls.

Nathan Estes

Canine Mitral Valve Repair Advocate.

Tucker Lucia


Bogart Oliver Rogers